Freelance IT web and application design and development

Freelance IT web and application design and development

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ubiquitous Computing or Distributed Computing or Alien Technology

 Today is another great day for web design, photographic and graphic image ideas as well as internet and computer based technology.  Why do I say this ? What is so great today in the graphics and tech based design and web development fields ? Well basically everything is great and out of this world literally seeing that even the space station has some form of net access and more then likely uses some of the apps and software that we are using here on earth. Even better after reading more info and research this week I have came upon other items, ideas and revelations about the net and graphical information age. From the new Planet of the Apes movie, where the special effects and animation abilities have came to a point that is beyond our dreams and abilities of the past. Then on to and even deeper concept and idea that will appear under our noses and all round us yet it has no solid name yet and people have no clue that the next big boom that will, can and shall dwarf the inception of the internet.  So this no name new big deal that will make the web obsolete or at the very least the internet will become old news and the new star of Wall street is going to be called Ubiquitous computing according to MIT.

graphic art aliens from dreams concept art zbrush Quick Waking Sketch Kenton Sweckard 2014

Besides the reality of how great the graphics are getting in movies and film. 3d scanning software and scanning IO devices are affordable as well even 3d printers are now easily affordable, so what is stopping us from reaching Star Trek levels  which could result in  a replicator lunch in comparison to the movies and television sci fi that was thought of as a fairy tale back in the early 70's. We will have now this new thing that you cannot see cannot really touch and as of yet has no real name but as I stated at MIT its called Ubiquitous computing yet has other names such as distributed computing from other vendors, companies and learning institutions and media. So what is it and whats it for ?

Ubiquitous computing: is a concept in software engineering and computer science where computing is made to appear everywhere and anywhere.The other names they have started tossing at it is of course artificial intelligence and then also you get others talking about Augmented reality also and these all relate in one way or another. In all I have to say this really sounds like Alien Technology, but then again we will get to that next time. Just do not get lost in Simulated reality and everything is going to be fine just trust the force or your in home food replicator and let Captain Kirk help us find the way home.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

10 Reasons to Never Expect Free Design or Development Work

  I can honestly come up with about 50 reasons that you should never expect a developer or designer should work without pay. But honestly I have heard about all of it from hey it is exposure and I am like advertising for you, to the good old it only will take a few minutes of your time. Now if you have paid me before and I did the work and it really is that easy then I may help, but do not expect this at any point as I have to eat and live as well. Also you may be interrupting a paid customers work, you could be interrupting my family time etc....  But even during work hours I get very annoyed when someone wants work done for the good old excuses of it will only take a minute. That may be so but I only have so many minutes a day and remember as a developer and designer I have to do all of my work for myself. I am pretty sure you charge your boss for the hours you work, as I rarely in all my years, have found someone that shorts the bosses time card rather then pad it. So here goes the ten reasons from off the top of my head...  These are true for all graphic design, web developers, web designers, coders, scripters, freelance graphic designers, freelance artists, animators, application developers, photoshoppers, adobe pros, Java Professionals, PHP developers and every other tech related field of study ...

Top 10 Reasons to Never Expect 

Free Design and Development Work

  1. Because you do not work free either. So why should anyone else? 
  2. Because learning all these programs and languages took years and someone had to pay for it.
  3. Because this internet connection is not free, nor is my phone.
  4. Because when I do not have a client I need to be working on finding more.
  5. Because ads and exposure cost designers and developers money.
  6. Because my computers, and workstations I use cost almost as much as your car !
  7.  Because the software I use cost more then your car!
  8. Because keeping abreast of the newest tech and apps as well updates takes all my free time!
  9. Because I cannot eat your comments or live in your praise!
  10. Because to do my best work I need that financial motivation, you wanting freebies kills it!

    Bonus answers here !

 I use programs and apps as well cutting edge technology that in order to get the best of work costs money. Artists, Designers and Developers need to be respected and as well you pay for what you get. Often people will play the game of I could have done it myself, yet they are asking me to do it for them and when I am finished they cannot even implement the technology correctly. Two hours of searching Google for the answer to a question or idea is time we could have spent enjoying life and yet people play this all the time being cheap or not having the money to make money. Sure we reuse code, scripts, images, models and many other parts of previous jobs yet they may be saved in the cloud and again you come back to overhead which is not cheap. People often tell us I will give you a good review, but so will the paying customers. Often after people get what they want the reviews are never given and it turns into a big waste of time for the developer / designer. Sure someone in a 3rd world country may do it cheaper, no offense to them but at this point in time why are they not concentrating on work in there own country ? So seeing that many countries are having economic problems as well maybe you should be buying American where you have more protection over the job getting done rather then outsourcing and then wanting and American or UK Citizen to finish the work that the others did not.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

  Well today's post is rather simple one on restoring a Pintrest account, people do these types of things by mistake all the time. Its rather simple to restore a Pintrest account, but sometimes the tech of today confuses the masses due to the constant roll out of new and increasingly busy information technology. So without further wait here we go

first click on your user name even if the account is deactivated you should be able to do this. and then click on settings as shown in this drop down.

So now at the bottom of the settings menu page it says deactivate here. If your account has been deactivated then instead of the deactivate button yours should say activate instead or reactivate. So click on reactivate and you should now again be able to use your Pintrest account without further issues.  As I stated this would be a short and easy one today, but hey being able to pin as a designer and artist helps to find both reference photos and work you may have done in the past.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How to Email to Cell Phone Text and SMS!

   Today's post is a little tech trick that many people still do not realize is possible and as well can save money if you do not have unlimited text, but you have a laptop or are near it during text conversations. To start IT is about information technology, for example using computers, cell phones, smart phones and networks for advance of business or even everyday convenience. So for example some one keeps sending you texts and you would like to respond from a laptop. The task of using email to send a text is rather quite easy and most cell carriers allow and provide a way to do so, which again is why this is considered IT, the freelance part here is that I am teaching you about this.

How to send a Email to a Phone Text (SMS).

  To start this part of the IT lesson you will need to know your friends cell phone carrier, and the good part is that when they reply now it will return to your computer or other tech device to the email account that you sent it from. For example you friend has AT&T as there cell carrier and they have been texting to you and you are in computer lab or in the office and cannot keep sending text from your phone. So what do you do ?   First log onto your email account, it does not matter if it is Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or Outlook or your very own smtp server from your web site. So to send them a message back to there AT&T smart phone you would simply type in the send to box of your email app the area code and phone number of your friends phone for example be sure to add the subject of the text, and then type in what you want to say in the body text area. Next hit the send button.  Now some cells may limit the length of the messages you receive and definitely the reply from a phone would contain the standard space and characters of a reply that sms or text messages normally do. 

How to email to a phone carriers text or sms service!

Listed below is a list of available email to text (sms) Messaging including the service company and the format for emailing your text messages. These are just the most popular of the services in no particular order. There are even scripts to mass text via info collected from blogs and websites and customer contact info. If the number is not a cell then the messages will not be delivered just as if it is and old phone that does not receive or have text service

  1. AT&T~
  2. Verizon ~ 
  3. Sprint ~ or
  4. Metro PCS ~
  5. Virgin Mobile ~
  6. Qwest ~
  7. T-Mobile ~
  8. Boost Mobile ~
  9. Tracfone ~ 
  10. Nextel ~
  11. Alltel ~
  12. Ptel ~
  13. Suncom ~
  14. Cricket ~
  15. U.S. Cellular ~

 Using text to phone services other then email accounts.

    This is a small list and then again what if you do not have a email account you would like to use for example in a public place or internet cafe that you do not want to log into your email from. Well there are additional methods and services just for this. I will not list them all but I will give you and example and also you can always search Google or Bing with a term such as "email to sms" Emailing text messages", "Email my text message", "How do I email a text message to a cell phone" or another query such as these provided. But as and example here is a site that allows you to do so without even logging into your email service or app. Just use a site such as Text Em and you can choose whether or not to include your email, or return contact.

 Text, Emails, SMS and Instant Messages are not 100% Secure.

 I should mention that security of text or sms when sending via email or text from one phone to another is not 100% secure. IT security is what just one of the subjects that our company specializes in and is forever evolving in this brave new world. We are not insinuating that you would have to worry about a simple "running 5 minutes late for dinner mom"  type text but people use cell phone text messages for business all the time and for all intensive purposes business and company espionage is a real matter in today's world. Seeing this is a reality and that your boss would not want for example "vital company information to be compromised", then use this information wisely. Of course there are different ways to hide who you are and to encrypt the information being sent. If you would like consultation in this matter we do provide consultation and services on such matters at affordable and as well minimal rates to enhance both business and personal security of IT based matters. Just as a sample situation even a application such as snap chat is not fool proof (full proof) and can be circumvented. Say a partner sends you a message with a picture of themselves in a precarious manner via Snapchat, and you are a geek then you may be able to screenshot (a screenshot is a capture of the screen on your phone, mobile or computer device.) a version of the message or image that was sent via text or sms.  This is yet again a another way that you could be caught permanently with your junk being displayed to the world .... whatever that junk may be. So be smart and think first before texting something that may make sense at 2 am in the morning when normally many peoples judgement is clouded by lack of sleep. I will explain this in more depth in a future article, so please help us out via following and commenting on this blog, following and liking our Facebook Page for Freelance IT, and also if you need security, tech services and even graphics for your next project or website then visit one of our websites to contact us for your next project listed here.

Contact Freelance IT :

Freelance Graphics Work ~
Freelance IT ~

Read more about this from the following websites as well via the cell and mobile carriers sites themselves. 

20 Something Finance " How to Send Text Messages (SMS) Via Email for Free"
Popular Mechanics " How to Email Text Messages to Any Phone"