Freelance IT web and application design and development

Freelance IT web and application design and development

Friday, August 8, 2014

Graphics Designer and Freelance Artist lends hand to Freelance IT Lansing

  Just so people can understand and since I do not have a lot of time on a Friday night to explain why there are graphics and a graphics site mixed in with Freelance IT Lansing posts and with the website is also a link to Kenton Sweckard's Graphic Design Portfolio. Seeing that often with website development and design there is also logo design, application user interface graphics (UI's)  then you want a new custom downloading.gif for a website, this leads to new icons or graphic and animation based tutorials, videos that need processional intros , embedding your logos in your videos  , having and animated avatar made for a website guide etc etc ... So when it comes to design / development goes hand in hand. With the adobe creative cloud you can import and export from one application to the next when creating media and graphic content for a website or application...  So here are a few concept images and would be examples of character concept cards


For example looking at these two images and the monster does not do himself justice, though sure he is pretty scary looking. In this manner it just does not look really scary, and also looks sort of just plain out of place. Now sure this is in concept stage even though he has been retopologized. As a freelance Graphic designer if you overlook the simple little things then you will be overlooked by the companies for example involved in video game character graphic design will fail to see the value in hiring you because you did not go that extra mile in your work.

       So that being told take a look at the two Pterodactyls above and they look a lot better then just the plain grey back ground from zbrush. Again these are more concept cards for example of a 3d print out or a character concept card to introduce the producers to your characters or the game development to the concept ideas of the video games players or a virtual tour guide ,,, in a website animation with a parallax scrolling effect to mimic and alternate land or virtual universe. See the parallax effects are a very interesting subject when it comes to graphics but that is another blog post and day.

So here in the image we add some shapes, some textures and patterns as well cut the 3d render out and paste it into the concept character card, which looks 10 times better then the plain flat image of the tri head dinosaur at the top of this web page. Just the extra few minutes in photoshop and now at the least the other staff members will have to look at the gaudy candy colored card that is setting at the meeting table appearing more like a 12 year old girls birthday cake then a flat lifeless still shot, of yet another dinosaur from 10 angles.Yes the Pteradactyl blends into the image in some of the renders but it still appears better than good old 3 heads above.

Be sure to check out our Graphic Designers Portfolio

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